
What Is The Impact Of Industrialization On Economic, Social And Political Aspect Of A Country?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The social impact was that it basically changed the way people lived and worked. It brought about the new social classes (of capitalist, factory workers and later, middle class society.) the negative effect is that it led to the exploitation of the weaker sections of the society.
The political impact is that, as the government policy of the early years of industrialisation was based on a theory of 'laissez faire' or 'let us alone', an idea of the famous economist, adam smith. According to this political theory, business men should be free to look after their own interest and that the government was not to interfere with the business of the private industry. Only the unwritten law of supply and demand determines the size of profits. The same law would also determine the fate of the worker, his salary and working conditions. After this, labourers later formed unions which went on strike and they turned out to get violent. In mid 19th century, the greatest threat to captalism came in the form of an alternative theory known as marxism or communism, put forward by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.
Amen Bukhari Profile
Amen Bukhari answered
The industrial development of a country is a part of the total development program undertaken. The process of economic development brings many changes in the economy. The industrial development affects the traditional sectors and economic life of the peoples improves. The industrial units need workers to produce goods employed in the industrial units. Educated young men get jobs in the various departments.

The incomes of the people increases and enjoys better life. A large variety of goods is produced within the country. These goods are available to the people at reasonable prices. As the income increases, there is more demand for industrial products. The market extends to distant regions.

The economy of the country becomes more stable, as there is no reliance on the agriculture sector. The foreign exchange earning increase with the export of manufactured goods. Foreign exchange is used to repay debts or to finance the projects of the country. The revenue of the government increases as the industrial pay taxes to the state. Highly qualified employees pay income tax and worker's direction taxes to the government. The industrial units produce arms, ammunition wireless and many sophisticated weapons for the defense of the country. Reliance on imported weapons is not desirable as the policy of the exporter country may change any time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

their isnt a specific answer , but ...

economy change: Low waged , child labor

political change: Government laid off

social change: People divide into class, changed the way they lived.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
More factories made more pollution.
Other include over crowding of cities,because of-
    1- increase of employment,
    2-environment destruction,
    3-decrease of privacy and
    4-decrease of simpler life.


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