
What Is The Difference Between A Democratic And Nondemocratic Government?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A democratic government is one of the key parts of modern western society. It involves an executive that is appointed by the people, and does not involve any kind of autocracy or divine right. It is a system of government that is for the people and by the people, and is associated largely with countries like the United Kingdom and the United States. There are many systems of democracy, however, all of them involve some kind of ‘vote’. Everybody in the country who is of a particular age will have a vote, and that vote will be for a given party or person. In the United Kingdom, there are three parties that most people vote for and these are the Labour Party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats. Currently, the democratic government in the United Kingdom is a coalition government between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. This occurred because the people did not vote in enough Conservative Members of Parliament for the party to take up government by themselves.

A nondemocratic government is a government that is formed either out of tyranny, or out of ‘divine right’. Divine right is of course the rights of individuals to be part of a ‘Royal Family’ due to the word of God. The United Kingdom was once ruled by the Royal Family, but today embraces its democratic system of government by making sure that the Royal Family is only that of a Constitutional Royal Family.

Nondemocratic governments are generally frowned upon in modern society, as democracy is generally seen as the way forward. Democracy is the system of government that does what the people what through direct or indirect democracy, whilst a nondemocratic government is associated with tyranny and does not act in regards to the will of the people.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Democratic govt  • Government by representation, i.e. People choose their representatives and their representatives choose for them on important decisions that affect the jurisdiction  • Democratic countries allow the public to cast votes on their Head of Government.  • Democratic countries are sometimes well surveyed and controlled by proper laws to avoid corruption  • The democratic systems of government are based on the separation of powers in the state, which means that the powers of government are separated functionally between branches of government.          Non democratic govt  • A government where the people are not represented in every decision. Government it is not linked to the people and the process of ruling has nothing to do with the public opinion.  • Non democratic countries do not allow the public to cast votes on their Head of Government.  •  Non-Demo countries tend to experience many occasions of corruption.  • In non democratic countries there is no separation of powers i.e. The final decision is taken by only authority ruling the country.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Comparison between democratic and non democratic government
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In a democratic govt. People have the voting right

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