
Organizational Chart Of The Government Of The Philippines Durig Spanish Period?


2 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
The governmental structure of the Philippines during the Spanish Period basically consisted of national, provincial, municipal and barrio governments. This hierarchy was modeled on the governmental structure of Spain.

  • National Government
On the national level, the Philippines were governed by the King of Spain through his representative, the so-called Governor-General. The seat of power was located in Intramuros, Manila, and the Governor-General acted as the head of the Supreme Court, Commander-in-Chief of both navy and army and the country's economic planner. All executive power within the local government originated from him. As the vice-regal patron, he was also entitled to oversee ecclesiastical appointments and supervise mission work.

  • Provincial Government
Provinces were headed by so-called alcalde mayors, or provincial governors in pacified areas, and corregidores, equally alcalde mayors, but usually military personnel, in non-pacified, military zones. This also applied to city governments. Both positions entailed being judge, tribute, or tax, collector, chief of police, provincial capitan-general and vice-regal patron.

  • Municipal Government
Towns, or pueblos, where headed by so-called little governors. Administrative duties included preparation of tribute lists; military conscription, communal work, postal work and recruitment and distribution of individuals for draft labor. In addition, the little governor acted as a judge in minor civil and administrative cases.

  • Barrio Government
The barrio, or village government rested in the hands of the barrio administrator. Generally responsible for keeping peace and order, the barrio administrator also recruited men for communal, or public, work. To ensure royal officials did not abuse their powers, random visits without prior notice were conducted by visitador-generals sent from Spain.

The Maura Law, established in 1893, reorganized town governments to make them more autonomous and effective. It was later adopted, strengthened and revised by American and Filipino governments.

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