
How Do People Who Live Along The Nile River In Egypt Make A Living?


7 Answers

Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered
Most people who lived and work in Egypt along the River Nile still farm the land. The farming is still done in very traditional ways using animals and wooden tools. Some farms may have a tractor, but vehicles of all kinds are extremely expensive in Egypt and most people cannot afford one.

It is still common to see farmers ploughing fields using a mule or donkey to pull a plough. Children have to help with the planting, ploughing and harvesting and, in their free time, play in the river.

Today, tourism is a growing industry in Egypt and many people are finding work as staff on cruise ships and in hotels. Many men work in tourist centres, leaving their homes and families for weeks at a time, and then returning home for a week's holiday. They do this as the money that can be earned as a chef or waiter is very much greater than can be made on a small holding or farm.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By using the water from the nile to harvest there plants and to live off of the plants that they harvest and they drink the water from the nile river to drink so they won't be dehydrated
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They used the water for harvesting and farming.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well passing tourists or rich locals come along the river and they sell there produce or whatever to them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They do not they get very sick and die

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