
How Did Cleopatra Die?


88 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

cleopatra committed suicide after hearing that her lover Mark Anthony had also killed himself after losing a Battle . She killed herself by enticing two Asp's (Venomous snake) to bit her after discovering that the Asp's venom caused little discomfort and instead sleepiness without the spasms of pain normally associated with a snake bite. She dies on August 12, 30 BC.

Vito Profile
Vito answered
She was supposedly bitten by a snake or two, called a asp, if my spelling is correct. When she found out that Marc Anthony was dead and the Roman legions were coming for her. Supposedly, she and two of her maidens committed them selves to death by their own hands.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She had thought that Mark Antony had died in in middle of a battle...her depression led to suicide by letting a snake bite her, her servants layed down to die with her because they believed that the Pharaohs needed to be served in the after life too.  Mark Antony never really died, he got depressed that Cleopatra died and so he killed himself too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Let me put it straight.... Cleo died because she held a poisonous snake to her breast, and let it bite her. She died at the age of 39 Aug 12,30BC. And yes Asps CAN live in Egypt. Theres your answer! ;D I'm only 9 and I know this stuff!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra died on August 12th 30 BC according to tradition killing herself by means of an asp bite she was a very unhappy Queen.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra was 39 and died
from a snake bite to her breast and died in minutes and her body is still not found but her daughter is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually ... Antony Received a False Report Saying that Cleopatra had Committed Suicide So Antony Killed Himself.. Then Cleopatra Learned Octavian Planned to Exhibit her in Rome as Proof Of his Triumph So she Committed Suicide by Taking Poison .. Although Another Traditional Story says she died from the bite of an Asp .. Atleast thats what I read ..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mark Antony heard she died and killed himself. Then she heard about his suicide and got an asp, a poisonous snake, to bite her on August 12, 30 B.C.E.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe that cleopatra died by an asp biting her.(poisonous snake) She reached in a tank and killed by it because she didn't want to live as a prisoner or commite suiside.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She found out or supposledly mark atony died in battle and she committed suicide and let an asp bite her in her chest, in which her servants came with her to serve her in the afterlife, then mark atony found out and killed himself too!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She was killed her-self by using a snake 'Asp', which founded near of Nile.
She preferred to committed suicide rather then killing by Romans..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nubs. This is the correct answer. She had a poisonous snake (asp) bite her. She had her maids put it in a basket of figs that was going to her cell. Than all three died.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Queen Cleopatra died after Mark Antony died in a battle.Therefore, she died by letting a poisonous snake bit her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She died because a snake bit her. Antony heard about it and commit ed suicide and killed himself. She died in age 39 in 30 BC.

  BORN IN 1998
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She committed suicide by holding a poisonous snake called an asp and letting it bite her
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She died on August 12 30 BC because she let a snake bite her because she didn't want to let her children die when  Octavius went to Egypt
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay peps cleopatra died of a snake poisoning her. Her kid saw her and admitted it to everyone. Suicide yo. Age 39
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god people plz read your history books right. Okay she died because she let a snake bite her. But also remember she was given a false information saying mark anthony had killed himself when he actually wasn't died.  When she found out that he was "dead" she went to her room and her maids gave her the snake and let them bite her. After she died. News got to mark anthony ear's and he felt so dead inside he killed himself has well in order to be with her in the "afterlife"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When she was 39 she put a poisonous asp to her breast because she was madly in love with her (supposedly) dead lover
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She committed suicide after her husband did. She refused to be Octavian's slave, therefore she aged on a snake to bite her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra Died of suicide after being bit by a snake along side her lover Mark Anthony.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When she was 39 she got a letter and in that letter was a snake. I do not know who gave her the letter.
But who ever did it was that person who kill Cleopatra. Some people thank she kill herself. But know one really know.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra died from an asp,a poisonous snake. Because her husband killed himself so she did the same by anticipating an aps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She died because she got bitten by an asp. Her husband committed suicide and then she killed herself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes there are asp's in Egypt and I study this stuff I'm only 10 and she was bitten 3 times I reasearch this stuff don't judge me because thats what I think
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people on the discovery channel say she was poisoned with the Hemlock plant or a snake bit her or they say that she committed suicide
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She was so pretty that she couldn't find a match, so she gave herself to the snake to bit her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rome & Egypt were having a battle outside of her home. She hated War and her people dieing. So she locked herself inside her bedroom with poisonious snake.AANNDD. THE SNAKE BIT HER!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You are all Ronge she died by a cobra
thanked the writer.
Peg C
Peg C commented
An Asp IS a cobra (called Egyptian Cobra) and YES there were Asps in Egypt...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres only one problem with your answer. That can't be true because asp's don't exist in egypt!!! Thank you trivia book!!!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Its all wrong...thats not the correct answer!!...except the snake part...coz u didnt explain why did that happen!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra killed herself because Mary Antony killed his self so then Cleopatra killed her self by finding a poisonous snake called and asp to bite her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one knows how she died! There us only on answer! She was murdered! And its true coz went to a museum
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You people are all stupid there is only one way she died.She died with three snake bites because if you one snake bite you would not die.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She went into a room with her maidens and she had 2 asp. She didn't want to know that she was going to die with something that she ate..

~I Think
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That is not true. We went to the museum and you didnt so how do you know that is true
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They say it was an asp or a vile of poison becouse he deaths not clear. She experimented with poisons and which would be the most painless death and those were the last 2 and after that they don't no what happened
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok the last seven shut up and go get a history book, comitted suicide by putting a poisonous snake on her arm and no duh she died
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt is famous in history for her affair with the Roman general Mark Antony. Antony who was married to Octavia the sister of the Roman Emperor Augustus deserted her for Cleopatra; later on the Roman lands in the east became part of the dominion of Cleopatra. Augustus who was then known as Octavian and was yet to become Emperor declared Antony's acts as treason and convinced the Roman senate to declare war on Egypt.

Accordingly the naval Battle of Actinium was fought in 31 BC in which the forces of Augustus defeated the fleets of Antony and Cleopatra; Antony's men deserted him after which it is assumed that he committed suicide. According to popular legend Cleopatra too committed suicide by inciting an asp, a poisonous snake, to bite her. Cleopatra's death has been described vividly by the world famous dramatist William Shakespeare in his play Antony and Cleopatra.
thanked the writer.
View all 7 Comments
Anonymous commented
Thanks to who ever left this imformation you saved my life
Anonymous commented
Thanks for whoever wrote this!!!!
Anonymous commented
Thnx!!! U helped me on my World Geo project!!! U rock!!! Guest, whoever u r, THNX!!!! NO LIE, ALEX (me) RULES!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She went to a bathroom and cut her self and when a cat came in, scratched her face and she went to sleep. Wen she woke up, she cut her throat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra died because she killed her self to save her children. Cesar wanted to marry her so she killed her self to save her children
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She starved herself
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
She didn't strave herself. She put a snake in her bowl with fruits. She put her hand in and died. Also the king didn't kill her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She Ran into a Egyptian road and was ran over by a Dodge VIPER! Thats why everyone gets confused a snake didn't bite her a car called a VIPER!! Killed her!.....jees!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cleopatra was murdered by a magician who she angered by giving a piece of silver in which he burned when it touched him. In his fury he turned himself into a snake and bit her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually that is one theory its also possible that she was murdered Cleopatra's personality would be she would never give up theres a lot more theories such as poison drink.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people say that she got killed buy a giant snake but I think that her people killed her because she got to full of herself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sh die because the people in Egypt made her no choice...they killed her with a bite of a snake
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She was walking through the sandy lane when a monster came out the river and ripped her head in two then a bus came past and run her over then after that her son mckenzie came over and thought shi was asleep so he had the chance to become king so he diagnosed her with heroin and watched her die then at the funeral he had a party and bought a nintendo wii and ds for every1 who came there. Every 1 forgot about long lost cleopatra and served the new king so McKenzie had 109 children with 109 women the end
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This answer is soo brilliant it is true i looked it up everywhere and found it dont believe that other rubbish believe this

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