
How Did The Industrial Revolution Impact Colonialism?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This looks long, but it answers your question thoroughly. I didn't copy and paste it either...just a BIG history nerd lol
The Industrial Revolution was brought about primarily by the agricultural revolution in the mid seventeen hundreds. In the agricultural revolution, the three crop rotation system was rejected and replaced by the utilization of fodder crops such as the potato and the turnip. As a result of these crops, animal husbandry became more prominent. Animal husbandry was a spark for the Textile industry, and the flow of currency in from textile sales created a need in the economy for commodities such as precious metals. Mining and textiles together began the Industrial Revolution, and the modern Factory was born. Ummm, all of what I have just said refers to the lifestyle improvements from Great Britain, which were soon after adopted by France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, so on and so forth.
   Consider all of that your background in a chain of effects format :)
Now, to answer your question, Here is how the industrial revolution impacted colonialism:
First, consider transportation. The industrial revolution allied with mining prospects allowed goods for railroads to be created faster and better, and even yielded the production of the steam engine. Contrary to popular belief, the united states did not invent the idea of a Transcontinental railroad. Ours was just better than everyone elses : )
So, colonialism was widespread with transportation that came as a result of the Industrial Revolution. This means transportation in the British colonies in India, all of the British, Spanish, French, and Turkish diamond-mining colonies in Africa, and any amount of European colonies in the Orient. This means china, mongolia, whatever.
    Secondly, the industrial revolution was actually portable. Before, in the Renaissance, 1400s to 1600s, Merchantilism was the common money making method. (haha, an alliteration!)
This merchantilism was a belief that there was a set amount of wealth in the world that fluctuates. Not true. Otherwise, entrepreneurship would be impossible.
But with the rise of Capitalism (making money for the sake of getting rich) and factories from the industrial revolution, any factory owner would see prospects in colonies as just another opportunity to make money.
So actually, you could argue that the Industrial Revolution made colonialism an industry, rather than a refuge. Remember the Age of Exploration and the three Gs? Glory, God, and Gold, according to the Spanish. Its just that Gold was the most important :)

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