
Is Obama Gay?


3 Answers

mike carlsen Profile
mike carlsen answered
Jeebus! First rumors get spread that he's muslim, then he's a socialist, then that he's not a u.s. Citizen now he's gay! Lmao!!! Will the conservatives and the religious right sink any lower? No, he is not gay, he is not muslim, he is not a socialist, he is a u.s. Citizen. And the republicans wonder why they got beat...
thanked the writer.
jake eley
jake eley commented
Liberals, all talk, but no action. Why not actually do something other than just talk about it. We all know he won just cause he's black, {I am not being a racist} and all the idiots of America vote for him because of it. That is racism and it is not right.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
OMG you have just run out of questions,of course he is,because he and his family is just as happy as they can be for accomplishing what they set out to accomplish....good luck to you
jake eley Profile
jake eley answered
Of course he is. Didn't you hear about the scandal he made on the priest a year ago?

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