Why are so many in our present culture expecting a free lunch?


2 Answers

Janey Profile
Janey answered
It's a by-product of our "bleeding heart liberal" society where people are overly-sympathetic to the underprivileged,exploited or from a minority culture.It's a view that relates to the "treat others as they would treat you" belief and there's always going to be individuals aware of this and prepared to exploit it and cash in on it.
thanked the writer.
Joseph Michael Wasik
The illegals and those who beieve they are entitled and the lazy (poor me) take full advantage of our entitlement society.
I have the feeling that you and I are cut from the same cloth after answering your answers.
Janey commented
Thank you for the compliment Joseph.
Peggy Burtwell Profile
Peggy Burtwell answered
Because we have been trained to rely on the gov't to come to the rescue and they have so we don't think we'll ever see the day when the gov't stops caring about it's people - but it will.

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