
Why do Americans have to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day in school? It sounds like something out of one of those novels where the country is being run by bad people and the main character leads the uprising...


3 Answers

Chandler Howard Profile
Chandler Howard answered

It's illegal to force kids to say it, and thats a good thing, mainly because of the"under god'' part. If your school forces you to say all of it there breaking the law!

1 Person thanked the writer.
Cal Sullivan
Cal Sullivan commented
Why remove it? Why do we have to submit to those who feel offended over every little thing? Can't we just get along? If you don't like "under God"...don't say it. Easy solution.
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
It still isn't illegal to say the pledge in a class room, it is just illegal to FORCE kids to say it. This was established sometime in the late 1950's in the US
delaney jones
delaney jones commented
We say it for the people who have died (or lived) for us, its the right thing to do. We don't say it everyday, we say it every Monday... and sometimes not even then.
Cal Sullivan Profile
Cal Sullivan answered

It's to show that you care for you nation, you understand why it exists, and the values that it's on. It's a part of being American. Those who don't like it are not forced to say it. If you are not proud of being Americans...why exactly would you live in this nation?

thanked the writer.
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Cal Sullivan
Cal Sullivan commented
That's like me saying it's against my religion to pay taxes. Like I said it's a stretch at best. Also you are misusing the the term. Freedom of religion means you can practive religion freely without persecution. You're using it like it says "Freedom from religion" which doesn't actually in any format. I'm not really going to contest it. I don't know. Im not that interested to know quite honestly. I'm not going to change what I do.
Cal Sullivan
Cal Sullivan commented
Holy hell I suck at typing. I'm too tired tonight. If you can actually understand what I posted...kudos. I'm not doing well apparently lol.
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
I understand, but it relates to allowing Rashta's to smoke Pot. Although I agree with you, because i do not believe in any mythical "being", christian or otherwise, but they say they cannot pledge allegiance to any "earthly" government because their government is in Heaven.

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