How are your manners now compared to when you were a kid?


8 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I know think I've always had good manners....if I didn't I'd get my butt busted! manners are great when need be, but sometimes....ya just gotta have fun.....body functions can be hysterical under the right circumstances! 😀

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

As a kid, sometimes you don't always see the bigger picture when it comes to manners, so I would say mine have improved as an adult. You can see how people react when you open a door for them, or give them your seat on a bus, etc., help a mother out when she's got her hands full.

I especially get a kick out of it when I'm standing in line and there is a child waiting for their turn and the adult behind the counter simply ignores them, thinking they are with someone else.  When I point to the child and say, "Actually, I believe they were next", the twin reactions are priceless.  The child can't believe an adult didn't take advantage of the situation and the adult now has been put in their place. 

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Much the same as always. We were taught good manners as a kid -- and failing to learn that lesson could be painful -- and I guess I've mostly stuck with them.

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

My parents taught me some good manners. I open doors for women, pay the tab at the restaraunt if i go out to eat with a lady which is rare. But i have some bad manners like puffing on cigars and cussing

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

It's been an interesting progression over time in terms of what manners make sense.

Years ago a woman had the time and would even wait for you to open a door for them.

Now they fight you to get to the weight machines first.

(The older I get the more confusing life seems to be?)

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

I was a polite child .. My parents wouldn't have allowed me to be any other way.  I'm still polite .. Because I want to be.

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