Do you guys see similarities between Trump and Hitler?


12 Answers

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

Those that hated GW Bush called him Hitler, which I personally (I'm a conservative) objected to 

Those that hated Baraka Obama called him Hitler, which I personally (even though I'm a conservative) objected to 

NOW those that hate Donald Trump are calling him Hitler , really people?  No more imagination than to fall back on that?

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

bad hair ... But so do millions of people

charismatic ... So are untold others

elected as head of a democratic nation ... As are others

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I don't think Hitler would've made so many blunders with his allies. Hitler knew who his allies were; Trump doesn't seem to know.

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo answered

Enabling act 1933, articles 1-5, sounds very much like what Trump is doing. But this is my opinion, and I am not an American, so who am I to say.  :)

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

One, fiercely intelligent, a great strategist and able to identify problems and deal with them.

The other is Donald Trump.

Having said that, as much as I dislike him and despise all that he stands for, I think that to compare Trump with Hitler is dreadful.

Trump may be a populist right-wing idiot, but he'll never send people to the gas chamber just because he does not like them.

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Levi F.
Levi F. commented
Agreed. But comparing someone to Hitler is what people seem to do when they don't like a person in a position of power.
Fortis Paradise Profile
Fortis Paradise answered

They don't have many similarities (except for fascism ideals perhaps), the circumstances and lives of Hitler and Trump are way different..

but you don't have to be Hitler to bring destruction, racism and darkness to the world, others have done it and will continue to do it, just on a different level.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Some similarities, yes perhaps .. But, even Hitler had 'some' similiarities with anyone in power.

As much as I dislike how Trump conducts himself, I am not of the opinion that he would want any demographic tortured and killed just because he doesn't like them.  He is used to having his way, and is taking strides with his new found power .. I think he is an egotist on a mission to better himself (first) .. And then his family .. And then the country.  I truly believe he does prioritize doing right by the country .. I just don't think he knows how to go about it without doing it full speed and "balls to the wall" (so to speak). He will make mistakes, and will have regrets .. No one is perfect .. Not even him (no matter what he says)!

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Just a comment on the subject that some may find interesting:

1) Godwin's law:  "As an online discussion continues, the probability of a comparison to Hitler or to Nazis approaches 1."

And 2) (from another site):

What makes the comparison between Hitler and Trump so poignant (evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret) is not just the rhetorical marginalisation of groups, lifestyles or beliefs, but the fact that both men represent their personal character as the antidote to all social and political problems.

Neither Hitler nor Trump campaign on specific policies, beyond a few slogans. Instead, both promise a new vision of leadership. They portray the existing political systems as fundamentally corrupt, incompetent, and, most importantly, unable to generate decisive action in the face of pressing problems.

Both use their personal biographies – or rather, the highly edited accounts of their personal biographies they present to the media – to conjure up a new style of politics, which is based neither on expertise nor on detailed policy proposals. Instead – they suggest – their own personal 'struggle' shaped them into – supposedly – authentic leaders, capable of overcoming adversity through sheer force of character. In this scenario, democracy has less to do with representative institutions than with a leader who is intuitively 'in tune' with the sentiments of the people.

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