How do you feel abt Obama Care? Please b honest with me. I think its a great idea.


6 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

You're going to get a couple different answers here.

Those that qualify for the ACA, they get good coverage at a much reduced rate.=love it

For those that don't qualify, like me, their payments for insurance have skyrocketed.=hate it.

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Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall commented
Truthfully, I don't qualify either, as I don't work outside the home. I don't have any insurance. I still think its a wonderful thing.
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
I work at a homeless shelter for a few hours a week and my main job there is to help get people insured under the ACA. I had one gentleman get full coverage and it only cost him 36 cents a month. Others are paying super low premiums too, like $20-$50 per month. It's great that these folks can get insurance now since it was out of their reach for such a long time.
Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall commented
Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

It's a wonderful idea on paper.

But it's terrible, in reality.

The reason Trump tried to get rid of the government subsidies, is because they were unConstitutional.  Without those, the FULL price of premiums would fall on consumers - and the poor would not be able to afford the insurance.

As it stands, the system depends on the young and healthy buying insurance to offset the cost of people who use a lot.  But the young and healthy aren't buying in because it's cheaper for them to pay the tax fine.

Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel ... Congress needs to see what is working in other countries, and just copy that. 

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

It was a noble idea, recklessly rushed into law, increasingly terrible in practice.

Wesley Crusher Profile
Wesley Crusher answered

It's a good start. But it isn't what everyone wants it to be. We're still under the control of private insurance companies. Now think about it, a public marketplace for private goods. It's not a charity, it's a for profit business and they will gouge you to the extent that the law and supply v demand allows them to.

But insurance in general, in the American sense, is something you get by getting a good job. It's something you discuss about as part of the compensation package when you negotiate your salary before being hired.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

It sucks. The cost is to high and I'm either paying for things I don't believe in, or, paying for things I don't need. Africa says that health is a right in there constitution. Yet, no one has health care cause it's not affordable.  I went from paying 14% to 26%. Other countries have tried this  and 60% of wages goes to government.  Let me break it down. For every 100 dollars you make you give 60 dollars. 1000 you give 600. I think the government should butt out. Everything they touch gets worse. If I wanted to be in a communist state, id move to North Korea, Venezuela, not where they are trying sociism, but where socialism has been successfully implemented. 

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Evil in pr9
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall commented
I think we have a duty to help our fellow man. I,pay for politicians I don't like, schools although I don't have any kids in school, I pay for the fire dept even if I don't use it and roads I never travel on. These r all ways we help our fellow man.
But I know u are more interested in U.
Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

Not everybody can count on neighbors and friends or 'community' which was what made Obama care such a good idea.

Many many people have been helped, but its obvious you don't really care how many are helped.

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