
How Did The Bubonic Plague Start?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Black Plague was caused by infected rodents carrying the virus  pistes."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rats being carried over with Mongolians on their raids in Europe had the plague and the fleas living on those rats transferred the bacteria to people by biting them after feeding off of the rat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Fleas on rats
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The plague started by fleas on rats that came to europe from asia
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The plague started because the fliys
and the rag bit the people when they had the plague
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the plague started when the fleas sucked the blood from the rats then when they died they went and started to suck the blood from the human and when they did they also injected half of the rats blood which made humans sick.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It started by the rats blood from the rats then the flys bit the people who had the plague and in a few days they would of died.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Fleas spread it first they would attak rats then when they died of they would feed on human flesh.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic plague also known as ‘the black death.’ was the biggest problem facing Europe through the Middle Ages. It brought thoughts of death, poverty and worry to every home. It was one of the largest pandemics in history. To start nobody could tell what has caused the plague and people who caught this vile, contagious disease died within a few short days. When one or two people in one settling got it this normally meant the whole community would have it shortly. The disease caused a fever, large black boils on your body and sometimes it caused big black swelling by the armpits and above the knee. These ‘swellings’ became hard like rocks. At the time of this great pandemic there was no cure and once you had the disease you were left to pass. Of course people tried all sorts of ridiculous and strange cures but none of them are effective. All sorts of things were tested from magic to surgery. Occasionally a victim of the disease would manage to survive but this was very rare.

Of course now we know what caused the plague. Fleas, fleas jumping from person to person. It was carried in the blood they had sucked from others

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