
What Are The Five Motives For Imperialism?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Economic-make money/ expand control, cheap labor,raw materials ect..
Political- gain power, expand territories, national pride/ security.
Religious- spread christianity, spread values/ beliefs, end slave trade.
Exploratory - explore unknown, scientific/ medical research, adventure, and investigating cultures.
Ideological- cultural values, that Europe was Superior and that they should civilize other cultures that are primitive. Basically social darwinism: The strongest survive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Political- motives based on a nations desire to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to gain prestige from winning colonies, and to boost national pride.
2. Religious- motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect missionaries, to educate natives, and to end the slave trade.
3. Ideological- motives based on cultural values such as the white race was superior and other cultures were "primitive." Europeans should civilize other people. Ex) religion, government, etc.
4. Military- motives based on the expansion of strategic territory and the ability to exercise military force.
5. Economic- motives based on desire to make money and expand foreign trade. Europeans wanted to open new markets, acquire raw materials, and cheap labor to aid their industrialization and scientific research.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Economic [resources, cheap labor]
2. Political [new ports, spread of ideas]
3.Military [new ports, new military]
4.Humanitarian [religious ideas, enlightenment]
5. Social Darwinism [protection of undeveloped countries by powerful nations, sense of duty]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Political- motives based on a nations desire to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to gain prestige from winning colonies, and to boost national pride.
2. Religious- motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect missionaries, to educate natives, and to end the slave trade.
3. Ideological- motives based on cultural values such as the white race was superior and other cultures were "primitive." Europeans should civilize other people. Ex) religion, government, etc.
4. Military- motives based on the expansion of strategic territory and the ability to exercise military force.
5. Economic- motives based on desire to make money and expand foreign trade. Europeans wanted to open new markets, acquire raw materials, and cheap labor to aid their industrialization and scientific research.
Hassan Raza Profile
Hassan Raza answered
Imperialist policy is pursued on account of several reasons. Firstly, a state may pursue an imperialist policy on account of the material gains which may accrue to it in the form of precious objects, crops, natural resources etc. It is well known that the European powers pursued imperialist policies during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to secure raw materials, markets for surplus goods, and investment opportunities for their surplus capital.

Secondly, a state may pursue imperialist policy to enhance its national prestige and power. Acquisition of vast territories outside its boundaries not only gives a boost to the prestige of a state but also considerably adds to its power. It is well known that the British always prided in the fact that they possessed one of the most extensive empires in the world and boasted that "the sun never sets on the British Empire."

Thirdly, an imperialist policy may be pursued for the purpose of national defense. A state may acquire control over border areas or convert them into buffer states to protect its interests against powerful neighbors. Thus, Britain made Afghan and Tibet as buffer states to protect its Indian Empire. Further, these territories can greatly contribute to the defense of the country by providing necessary recruits for defense forces. It is well known that Britain raised nearly 4, 00,000 troops from India during the war which greatly contributed to her ultimate victory in the Second World War.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Economy
2. Politics & Military
3. Religious Reasons
4. White Man's Burden
5. Social Darwinism

Hopes this helps ;]
Fernando Bonilla Profile
Economic - motives included the desire to make money, to expand and control foreign trade, to create new markets for products, to acquire raw materials and cheap labor, to compete for investment and resources, and to export industrial technology and transportation methods. Political- motives were based on a nation's desire to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to expand territory, to exercise military force, to gain prestige by winning colonies, and to boost national pride and security.  Religious- motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end slave trade in Africa.Exploratory- motives were based on the desire to explore "unknown" or uncharted territory, to conduct scientific research, to conduct medical searches for the causes and treatment of diseases, to go on an adventure, and to investigate "unknown" lands and cultures.The only positive motives for imperialism are self-serving to the capitalists themselves. Since imperialism can be described as an evolution of capitalism through which one nation seeks or attempts to control the affairs of another economically or politically-motives can hardly be beneficial to the nation being subjected to the imperialist force. Imperialists seek to exploit natural resources, exploit the cheap labor, whilst repatriating profits to the mother country all under the guise of open market trade with hardly any benefit accruing to the inhabitants of the "host" nation or its population.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know of only four...they are
economic motives (resources)
political and military motives (power)
social motives (civilization) (spreading religion)
technological motives (going in their to explore just because you have the technology)

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