
What Are The Values And Norms?


5 Answers

Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Values are formed of the culture. When certain things are exercised in a culture on the continuously basis then it becomes value of that culture. A value includes the society behaviours such as person freedom, democracy, truth, social responsibility, honesty, role of men and woman, love, justice and marriage. So these all are the part of the culture and they become the values of the society. Value is not only the concept about the culture but it has more significance in terms of emotions. The values are very important for the individuals or groups the people are ready to sacrifice every thing in order to protect the values of his culture or society.

Norms are the repetitive action of the people of the society that are served for the guide lines for the people to act upon them. Norms are generally divided into deeper sub segment one of them is folks. Folks are daily gathering of the life. The folks are associated with the moral actions. Folks are concerned with the things such as dress code in a situation, good social manners, eating habits and things like that. It gives them the guide to behave in a certain situation and circumstances.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Values are behaviours which is accepted by society, these behaviours include person freedom, truth, honesty and role men and woman play in the society, love, justice and marriage.
Whereas,Norms repetitive action of the people of the society that are served for the guideline for the people to act upon them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1. Norms are expected and accepted ways of behaving, e.g. Wearing shoes., while
    Values are what people regard as desirable, e.g. Having money, the value of education,    freedom of speech, etc.

2.  Norm - the culturally established rules which describe appropriate behaviour within a society., and
Value - a value system which is set out in the form of consistent values and measures.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
While norms are culturally established rules which describe behavior thought to be accepted and expected as appropriate in a society, values on the other hand, though related to norms are standard that society sets the things they should strive for and attach significance to, things that are thought to be desirable.

Norms: The rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors." These rules may be explicit or implicit. Failure to follow the rules can result in severe punishments, including exclusion from the group.
Values: Set ideals accepted by some individual or group.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Norms: Are socially accepted ways of behaving in a certain society which is rarely attached with traditions, customs...having been passed down from generations, example; in Japanese universities, students address in their own favorite styles, such as some wears a suit, while some wear a free style clothes (no one blames for good or bad) because it's their norm/way to dress whatever the type of cloth is. Another example is in japan people always drink soup from bowl without using a spoon, but they can use a spoon if they want (both are not against the rule).

Values: Tend to be connected with standard of behavior based on traditional, customary...disciplines prescribed by the society; the actions are judged for right and wrong. For example, in Laos when the woman is giving her food as an alms to the Buddhist monks who are wandering for alms in the village, she must be sitting on her knees until the monks have walked pass her, otherwise she is breaking the discipline on how to give alms to the money which is not socially accepted--meaning she is wrong.

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