
How Do I Make A Collage About Science Culture?


1 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
Creating a collage about science culture, which presumably is meant to be about the role of science in society, its basic functions, effects on society, the way it is perceived etc, should be started by collecting some relevant material. This could include such things as

  • Newspaper or magazine clippings (NMc) of scientific discoveries
  • NMc of scientific success, such inventions made, cures found, etc
  • NMc relating to the latest technologies
  • Pictures of, or actual scientific instruments
  • Pictures of gadgets, scientists of different races, animals, plants
  • Bits of wire, small parts of circuit boards, natural materials
Natural materials could, for instance, include items such as plant parts or feathers to represent biology; salt or a similar substance to represent chemistry, etc. It is better to collect more articles than are likely to be needed, as a greater choice will make it easier to arrange and re-arrange the collage until it looks just right.

The background of the collage could be one of many things. A plain silver or black background; a picture of the galaxy; a picture of the world, maybe superimposed with Da Vinci's Vetruvian Man; a space shuttle taking off, a mother holding a baby, a scene from a SciFi movie, the possibilities are endless.

Once a suitable background has been decided, it is time to arrange the gathered materials. Larger items should be placed at the back. It is important not to cover the background completely, unless a plain color was chosen. If the latter is the case, articles and pictures could be inter-woven to form a background. Nothing should be glued until it looks perfect.

The rest really is a matter of imagination. The idea is to create a picture, or collage, that will relay a message, rather than something that looks like a drawer has been emptied.

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