
Where Does Arizona Get Its Name?


7 Answers

Simon Lazarus Profile
Simon Lazarus answered
The Papago Native American Tribe, also referred to as O’odham Native American Tribe, is native to the area in Arizona around the Gila River. This tribe existed in close proximity to the Pima Tribe. Ali-shonak is a Papago word meaning "little springs,” and is commonly believed to be the origin of Arizona’s name. Experts have also suggested that the word Arizona could be derived from the Pima term for "little spring place.” The third possibility is that the name is derived from the Aztec word "arizume,” which translates to "silver-bearing.” All of these cultures had major influence in the early history of Arizona.

Arizona’s landscapes had influence on its name. Most of Arizona is covered in desert, and the only water sources for miles around are often small springs. Water is a highly valued commodity in the desert, and Native American tribes had spiritual beliefs about the divinity of water. This is why they would discuss bodies of water on a regular basis. The lives of Native Americans depended greatly on the availability of water.

There are several highly-productive silver mines in Arizona. In fact, silver is a very popular commodity in the South-western United States and Mexico. The Aztecs and Mexican culture have influence in the South-western United States. Silver was used to create ceremonial objects in Aztec religion.

Americans who moved to Arizona from the East would have been aware of the presence of the Papago and Pima tribes, as well as the influence of the Aztecs in the region. They most likely used the words that the native people used to describe the land. Several states such as Michigan, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ohio were named in this way. The origin of the name Arizona is questionable, but the general consensus is that the name was derived from a Native language.
Girija Naiksatam Profile
There are various theories to the name of this desert state. Some historians believe that the term Arizona came from the name of another town; 'Arizonac'. This little town is located about thirteen kilometers to the south of the Mexico-United States border. They believe that this town actually gets its name from the word "alĭ ṣon" or "alĭ sona", which when translated into the native language (O'odham) means 'small spring'. Now, the pronunciation of the 'l' in the O'odham language actually sounds like an 'r' to a listener who speaks or is well versed in English. Therefore "alĭ ṣon/a" got translated to Arizona/a'. When the Spanish missionaries came here during the 18th century, they re- christened the place and named it Arizona.

Others have a more simple explanation insisting that the name comes from the Spanish words for 'arid zone' which is "árida zona". Another theory suggests that the place got its name from "arizuma"; which is the Aztec word for "silver-bearing".
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This is not true at all. Arizona got its name because when the spaniards were in search of gold, the found silver instead and this was near Rancho Arizona. Records showed that the silver was found "near Rancho Arizona" and then later just Arizona. With time, it became knownn as Arizona. The word is from spanish origin.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The origin of the name is from the Native Americana word Arizoniac, meaning Little Spring
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Spanish conquistadors named it "the arid zone"..hence we get Arizona.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Em from people n people get it from em other people n more people o.o

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