Instead of sort-codes, you may mean SWIFT (short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) codes, sometimes called BICs (Bank Identifier Codes).
The BDO has two such codes: BDO Private is BOPBPHMM; BDO Unibank is BNORPHMM.

Swift codes are used for international wire transfers and for internal banking communications. Thousands of banks exchange millions of messages every day in almost every country in the world, thanks to the swift network.
If you are looking for an individual code for a particular branch of BDO, then you will need more information - there are 857 branches of BDO in the Philippines, with dozens of those branches in Manila.
You could try contacting the BDO customer service helpline on (+632) 631-8000, or if you are calling from outside the Philippines, +800-8-6318000.
This YouTube user explains what makes up a bank's swift code: