How To Make Suicide Look Like An Accident?


1 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
If you're thinking about killing yourself but you want it to look like an accident, there are a number of things you can do to achieve the desired effect.

Obviously, you shouldn't leave a note - and you'll need to try and cover up any suggestion that you were feeling suicidal beforehand.

Here's a couple of other things to consider though:

Making suicide look like an accident
If you're thinking about killing yourself, there's not much I can do to change your mind. You've obviously thought long and hard about what you're doing - and you've decided it's best to just end it all, before things get worse, right?

But before you make that leap of faith (pardon the pun), I'd really recommend you take the following things into consideration:

  • Your family and friends will want to know what happened. When you kill yourself, there will be a massive hole in everyone's lives.
  • You won't be around to try and help them deal with the pain, but do you really want to add to their misery by leaving them with the feeling that your death could have been prevented?
How an 'accidental' suicide affects the people around you
As someone who's lost a close friend to an accident, I can honestly say it's one of the worst feelings in the world.

There's not a day that goes by when I don't wonder whether there was something I could have done to affect what happened that day: What if I had been there? What if we had planned to do something else that day, instead?

If you make your death look like an accident, you are heaping all these unanswerable questions on everyone around you.

People will feel guilty and upset, so - unless you are purposely trying to hurt people - I really wouldn't recommend you hide your suicide behind an accident.

Finally, I know you probably don't want to hear all the BS about going to 'get help' and 'speaking to someone'- but I just want you to know that I've been through some pretty rough times, and I've always managed to come out the other end - and I'm pretty sure you can, too.

Feel free to message me here on my Blurtit profile or check out my G+ profile if you want someone to complain about life to.

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