Why can't the bordering countries back off their bordering towns from Israel leaving a 50-100 miles of separation/a dead zone for preventing future wars? Is it that middle eastern muslims do not want a peaceful solution?


4 Answers

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered
I think you may be confusing Arabs and Palestinians (who have a high Christian population) with Muslims.
The problem is extremely complex, but at the root of it is that two populations claim one land.
The Jews left Israel at the time of the Diaspora and the land was then settled peacefully by other races.
When the State of Israel was created (regrettably a British invention) no-one considered the Palestinians, they were left without a homeland.
They were not badly treated by the incoming Israelis, but the nature of the Jewish State where race and religion are fundamentally interconnected, mean that non-Jews were always going to get a bad deal.
The only support they have really had over the years has come from neighbouring states, hence the ever-present threat of invasion.
Israel, on the other hand, has had high-tech and high-value support from the West from day one.
Please don't misunderstand the tone of this answer.
I have been a frequent visitor to Israel and count people there as amongst my best friends.
I fully support the right of Israel to exist within secure borders, but as I said, it's complex - if there were a simple solution, someone would have taken it.
thanked the writer.
John commented
Exactly within secure borders.remove the muslims from jerusalem/israel and set new borders allowing for a safe zone to prevent conflicts.
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
They want Isreal long gone from the planet and wont stop til Isreal no longer exists, as there just isn't no pleasing everyone especially here. Now if Isreal could change places with, say, Cuba, we could have something good but no body wants to be close to the US when it finally blows itself up
Gene wright Profile
Gene wright answered
"When the State of Israel was created (regrettably a British invention)..."Didn't God "create" Israel?  Wasn't Palestine once (according to the Bible), part of Israel?  Why is oboma wanting to give more of Israel to the Palestinians. When the Bible says it doesn't belong to them?
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John commented
Ray dart- as you say you know loads more about this ,then how do you explain a nation that was once dissolved through wars/conflicts as you seem to think reclaming their lands and keeping it even though they are surrounded by their enemies/muslims on all sides and being such a small insignificant piece of land.seems history bears out the bible more than you would like to admit,and this should be the evidence in itself to explain the God of the israelites and christian does exist cont-
John commented
Since the nation of israel exists in a place where it should not be able to even in todays technologically advanced society.even history seems to bear witness to this ,even when the most poweful nations on the planet try eveything in their power to change the borders or run the people out of israel at every turn. In other words the proof is in the pudding as they say..
Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
Whooa there John. Trust me. I do know more than you, and almost none of it is based upon "belief" or history written by the Jewish Nation and printed in the bible. I've been a frequent visitor to Israel, and have friends on both sides of the divide. If you want to believe in the fundamental omnipotence of God to give a country to a race of people who abandoned it 1800 years ago, you also have to accept that the same omnipotent god subsequently allowed, or even approved of the settlement.
Karen Profile
Karen answered
Take a look at the geography. There is NOT enough LAND to back off anywhere. One trip over there, and you would understand the situation much better. If you lived in New Jersey and the politicians told you to move your family to Delaware, would you be happy? If you had rockets blowing by daily and was required to have a bomb shelter in your home, how much quality of life would you endure? It ain't a pretty picture for the civlized Israelis nor for the other ethnicities who live in Israel.
thanked the writer.
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John commented
I short fanatic muslims can't handle the truth that israel is here to stay til the creator (yes i said it and i don't reget it : ) )...says otherwise and forms a new holy city and it descends from the heavens. Now even the muslims know this and this is why there will never be a acceptable peace between israel and the rest of the world. They can not wrap their heads around the fact that human(muslims) can not change this.
Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
Hi John, please do not be offended (and stay friends huh?) but you really should not pontificate on stuff you really do not understand, sorry.
Karen commented
John, I hope you watched Netanyahu and listened to his speeches over the past week......it may have cleared up a few things for you. Also the 2,000 miles of unhabited land is another point of confusion. Netanyahu laid the issue out quite nicely. Google him and listen to his talks if by chance, you did not see it live.

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