People prefer to bury their head in the sand, hoping that somehow the problem will just go away.Most of them live for the "now", obsessed with the celebrity culture and the culture of "buy now, pay later".For them the future is always way ahead in the future and blithely hoping everything will be alright.Ignorance is a better option than bliss and partying/shopping/having a good time will always be higher up their list than worrying about what the future holds.
Why are there so many apathetic people who are unaware of what's happening in the world around them?
Because everything on the news and newspapers are negative and they have to stay positive by ignoring all those negativity in the world.
Remember, Joseph, it's NOT global warming. It's God's way of punishing narrow minded, small hearted, bigoted, discriminatory, intolerant people with hatred and loathing in their hearts. The lion will probably lay down beside the lamb before the Republicans realize their responsibility to all Americans, not just the ones that bought them.
With the progression of technology , I believe from seeing natural disasters , b-movies ,images on the net ETC. Mankind has become numb to a lot of things that happened 100 years ago but we did not see as much. With the six o'clock news focusing every day on the negative we become immune to the plight of our fellow humans unless it someway affects us directly. I have no facts or study's to site, just the opinion of an uneducated hillbilly prone to a rambling mind.
Live Well.
P.S. Not all of us are unaware that a storm is coming.
Live Well.
P.S. Not all of us are unaware that a storm is coming.