At $1.1 million each (yep, that's right) these two Obamamobiles are touring the countryside at taxpayer expense. So why does he criticize truck and SUV owners wherever he stops with these fuel guzzlers?


2 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Personally, I think the stress of his job has eaten him up and he just keeps on getting more ignorant everyday but yet no one stops him which is the wrong thing today. Its like our Government is afraid to confront him on anything
thanked the writer.
Joseph Michael Wasik
My guess is that any Liberal/Progressive/Socialist that confronts him on his idiocies will quickly be labeled as a racist.
Joseph Michael Wasik
Tea Party member were labeled as racists when they did this.
Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright commented
Like a bunch of little kids calling each other names and these are the people that want to run this country? God help us
Duane Bryant Profile
Duane Bryant answered
Most everyone else is touring in a bus also.  Why don't you rag on them?  Actually buses are very fuel efficient when you calculate passenger miles.

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