On his bus tour, didn't Obama get a small taste of what's ahead with his Tea Partier encounter? Especially when those asking him questions had been hand picked?


2 Answers

Janey Profile
Janey answered
I would imagine that Obama would be well informed by his PR team and WH staffers about just how (un)popular he is right now and what to expect from disgruntled Americans along the way.I'm sure there's a "what to do in an emergency" leaflet lying around the bus somewhere for occasions just like that.This particular incident involving Ryan Rhodes stems from an incident at the height of the debt ceiling debate when Mike Doyle allegedly referred to the Tea Party members as "terrorists".
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
He knows full well what lies ahead and whats coming and it isn't very pretty and could even be worse than hes ever imagined but he only has himself and his DC friends to blame now and the American people now know the whole truth about him and others

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