The only other country Ive ever been in is Canada, and other than the fact that they spoke french and we ate at "LeMcDonalds" It wasn't much different from Michigan. Just in Michigan alone the differences of cultures and geography are amazing. Traveling by car from Northern Michigan to New Orleans exposes you to so many geographic changes its hard to believe you are in the same country. You see the Great Lakes, huge sand dunes,Beautiful forests, vast farm lands, rolling hills that are to become the foothills of the Smokey mountains, The caves of Kentucky, the mighty Mississippi river, the Louisiana Bayou, and the gulf of Mexico. You can see everything from White Tail Deer to Alligators. Traveling in this country I've seen Huge White Pine trees, Palm trees, an unimaginable array of flowers in more colors than crayola can name, I've seen tiny little towns with quaint little tourist traps, and big cities with sky scrapers so tall the get lost in the clouds. I've met people with every skin color there is, and I've heard languages and accents that I couldn't identify, but were intrigued to no end as to where they originated from. I have never been out west, but by the magic of television I know that there is a plethoria of sights to behold out there. Some day I'll have the pleasure of experiencing them first hand. I've crossed hand made foot bridges, one lane bridges that I would swear would collapse under the weight of my car, and the mighty Mackinac Bridge. Ive been on islands and peninsulas. Ive ridden in speed boats, and on ships, and ferries, I've been on an ore ship on lake superior, I've driven dozens of cars, trucks, motorcycles and 4 wheelers. I've seen tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, blizzards with snowfalls over five feet, beautiful sunny days, and clear crisp summer nights. I've spent the night in 4 star hotels, run down motels, cabins, campers, tents and slept under the stars. I've flown 1200 miles just to attend a concert, and flown back home that very night. The variety of experiences you can have by just exploring the United States is enough to keep us busy for a lifetime. I really have no desire to go any place else.