Are Pakistani people very forward? I started talking to a Pakistani guy about a week ago and he asked me to marry him. I thought this was quite odd, but I just don't know the Pakistani culture and if that is normal. Any advice?


4 Answers

John Profile
John answered
If i had my guess i would say green card status seeker.wants to get out of the war zone.who can blame them.not me. Still marriage in week/month/6 months most likely would not work out for the best,since you really do not know who they are and what they are like in real life.i say give it a pass. Unless you and your parents guardians sit down and talk this out,the cons and pros and self protection of your self/life/finances. Just being serious afterall this is a major league life changing decision. I suggest you watch a little movie with sally field where she plays(real life story) the wife of a muslim who then takes the children to his country and basically entraps her in the eastern country basically making her a prisoner in his
Merlin Paine Profile
Merlin Paine answered
My dad when to college with one who said that her parents had promised her hand in marriage to her cousin. So I am led to believe that at least one sect of Muslins have prearanged marriages. The girl said that now that she was here she did not have to do it. And she did not want to do it. There just isn't one type of Pakstani, just as there isn't one type of  American, There are Chirstians, Buddhist, and other types of Pakistanis as well. Muslins may be the majority but that does not neccesarily mean this guy is a Muslin. Unless of course he told you he was.For that matter there are signifacant numbers of Israeli citizens who are  Muslin and Christan
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Merlin Paine
Merlin Paine commented
I see ...I have never heard of any Christians with such customs.
Merlin Paine
Merlin Paine commented
What it is... Is that you are so attractive he could not resist ha ha
Lauren Jeans
Lauren Jeans commented
He is being forward talk 2 him on webcam with his parents there and then they can meet u x
Jasmine Haha Profile
Jasmine Haha answered
Yes they are Very straight forward, well most of them anyway. Well I think you should tell him that you guys should give it more time and get to know each other. See if you would be a good married couple. I mean do you even love him??
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Monica Smith
Monica Smith commented
I hardly know him. I talk to him everyday. He seems very nice and intelligent, I would like to get to know him better. It just freaked me out a little bit, and he also told me he wanted me to take some nice pictures and send them to him so he could show his mom and dad and have them approve me, but I don't understand what he means by that.
Angela Lazo Profile
Angela Lazo answered
Google the culture, you can learn alot about it that way.
thanked the writer.
Monica Smith
Monica Smith commented
Yes, I have done that a bit, but was hoping to maybe talk to a real person that understands the culture. Thanks.
Angela Lazo
Angela Lazo commented
Now that i see more that you just said about talking every day and pitures....let me tell you i went threw the same thing with someone from eygpt....they get very personal really fast and they do seem like they are almost to good to be true..right? Before you know it he is going to be asking you to fly there....just some advice..but i would stop talking to him. And for get about it.......really!
Angela Lazo
Angela Lazo commented
Im not trying to sound mean or rude....but they arent allowed to have sex until they are married ....and that good, but that why he wants pictures and to talk to you he will probley try to get naked pictures of you as time gose on...and they sound so sweet for a reason...dont trust anyone on the internet.

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