I think it's still not clear to this day to be honest.
The 'evidence of WMDs' turned out to be false, and that's not the kind of mistake a government makes by accident... The decision to go to war can't possibly have been based on unreliable intelligence.
To me, there must have been something deeper.
The notion that it was for the benefit of the Iraqi people also doesn't wash. Why overthrow a dictator in a super volatile region when Sudan, Syria, Libya and a bunch of other countries were ruled by brutal regimes too...
So that leave us with the oil theories.
I don't have a doubt that oil had a central role to play in it all, but perhaps it isn't quite how we think.
The story that I've found most believable is that the US invaded Iraq to regulate their oil production, thus stabilising global markets in preparation for the collapse of the housing market.
This is going to need some 'next level thinking' but bare with me.
Back in the 80s, Bush Sr and Donald Rumsfeld were actually pretty pally with Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
That's because they wanted him to play ball: Produce oil at a rate that meant stability for global markets. They didn't want him to ramp up production devaluing the product and causing a lot of problems for the Saudi and American companies (therefor economies) that were reliant on the petroleum industry (especially true for Republicans who owned or were affiliated with companies like Halliburton and Enron).
However, Saddam didn't like that deal. Iraq is heavily dependent on its oil money, and he wanted to ship out more and more of the stuff to make more and more "benjamins"!
The US didn't approve, and put sanctions on Iraq (meaning they stopped trading with them). This didn't stop Saddam though, he had plans to take over Kuwaiti oil fields, produce even more oil, make even more $, and he didn't see it as his problem that the rest of the world's economies could potentially be thrown into chaos.
Maybe sensing that something was imminently going to go wrong with the US housing market may have added extra pressure to the situation too.
Anyway, the US took out Saddam, took control of the country's infrastructure, and has since pulled out - leaving sectarian violence and a government too weak and disorganized to do much about anything.
So in terms of things like global and local security, Iraq is more dangerous to live in than it was before the war: So that's a fail.
The entire world has become less secure as a direct result of the war: Epic fail.
The only win I can see is that we've managed to emerge out of financial crisis, and the price of oil for the average US consumer has been on an upward slope since 2003 - maintaining a nice and healthy demand, price, and profit margin - and buoying the global economy, at the cost of Iraq.