
Which female political activist was known for her protection of handkerchiefs?


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Female activists like Hazel Davalos and Madga Rojero have recently used handkerchiefs to bring a very important issue to the public's attention.

They are part of a group called Bordeamos Por la Paz, which is Spanish for "We Stitch for Peace".

They are activists who want to see the violence plaguing Mexico end. They recently ran a campaign in which they sewed messages onto handkerchiefs about the people who have lost their lives due to gang violence in Ciudad Juarez.

These handkerchiefs were displayed prominently for the whole world to see, and the campaign reached so many people that it is now held every other Sunday.

The protest is dedicated to the memory of those who the community has lost, and it is described as an act of love, which the entire town can take part in by simply sewing and displaying a handkerchief.

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