How much of the witch trials were real and how much was just made up?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

If you mean the Salem witch trials. They were very real!  Many people were burnt at the stake. I'm sure there is some fiction but people back then were very superstitious and not that well educated. Lot's of good reading about those.

Alexander Mason Profile
Alexander Mason answered

The fact is, it was a Christian-on-Christian crime {for the most part, few pagans were actually involved.}

This would be understandable, seeing as how superstition and the Church played such a major role in personal morals at the time.

Some people even took advantage of it to rid themselves of people they weren't fond of.

2 People thanked the writer.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
Very true !
Alexander Mason
Alexander Mason commented
Being pagan myself, I've learned to tell when something is {for the most part} fanatical Christian scare stories, and actual historical events. If Christians actually studied history as extensively as I have, they would understand that it is mostly just how the Church operated in those times.

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