I think a Trump/Carson ticket could prove to be a formidable foe for Hillary and the Dems.
As I don't vote by party, I vote for who is the most qualified to run our country properly. I haven't done enough research on the candidates yet to make any real decision.
ANYONE BUT CLINTON!!!! That would be obama bad + everything we dont want that obama didnt already do bad = clinton bad... Now I can't stop laughing. But no, not her. In ANY way not her.
I vote for the person (male or female) not the party. That person would have to be an obvious leader, a righteous person, a person with common sense (rare now-a-days), a person who will serve and protect the people of this country. A serious person, not a clown or a political boot lick er. The American people on the whole, regardless of their political affiliations would cross all party lines and vote for a person who could turn the country around.