Does anyone enjoy Halloween?


7 Answers

John Boynton jb Profile
John Boynton jb answered

I love it. My family throws a block Halloween, party every year.

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

Growing up, I was never allowed to go trick-or-treating, and I never really wanted to. My parents hate halloween because it is a holiday imported from America that is designed to sell you things and encourages kids to go around knocking on people's doors demanding sweets or else they vandalise your house. That behaviour is unacceptable and I don't think we should be allowing children to participate because they might grow up thinking that it is okay.

I recently found out the origins of halloween - the celtic festival samhain. So, as I have done with christmas/yule, I think this year I'm going to focus on the original festval rather than the superficial version version.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Ahh, the only day we are allowed to scare the jeepers out of the general populace legally! Who wouldn't enjoy that? :D Good luck to you.

Sane Mori Profile
Sane Mori answered


Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

It's only a recent event in Australia. The commercial interests have been trying to promote it over the past 20 years or so. We occasionally get a few kids (usually hulking teens, bigger than me) who come to the door trick-or-treating, but it's rare.

Mrs Didge and I ran a dance for a couple of years around 2002-3 and we held a couple of Halloween Parties. They were popular and a lot of fun. I can see they'd be fun the way Halloween is celebrated in the States but it just doesn't really cut it in Oz.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

It's a hateful import to the UK.

Hallowe'en was just another date in the calendar (albeit with dark magic connotations) until around 25 years ago.

Now the shops fill with nasty plastic rubbish to sell from September onwards.

There is minor vandalism, and older residents of my little village are woken by kids who go around begging at night (together with rather dumb-looking adults, who won't let their children out alone).

Fields that could be used for food production are instead growing pumpkins for people to carve up.

It's truly awful.

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