So okay, tomorrow is my 30th birthday but I was born at four fifty seven pm so when I wake up in the morning will I still be considered 30? I hope so thanks and God Bless.


5 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear blurtit friend! Happy birthday to you! CHEERS!!!!

Deston Elite Profile
Deston Elite answered

Well if you want to get THAT realistic about it, then technically you're already 30 years old once you count in the extra days from the leap years you've gone through.

But traditionally, you are the next age at the beginning time of your date of birth.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

A birthday encompases the entire DATE (from midnight to midnight)  .. So Happy Birthday

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered


As mentioned, age is usually stipulated to be determined by units no smaller than days.

If you want to know how old you are in hours and minutes, here's a site you might enjoy:

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