The UN wants to decriminalize drugs. Good idea or bad idea? (Referring to this article:


5 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Bad idea as simply put, the world already has enough fruitcakes running amok out here so we definitely don't need anymore people who wont be in control of their utilities allowed to legally run free amongst us.  We already are seeing what a few mentally deranges are doing in the world nowadays so legalizing drugs would be a very bad idea now!!

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

We were just talking about this subject today at work, Not the UN, but the decriminalizing most drugs. In every country that has, crime dropped, and so did overdoses, and drug usage. Portugal is one example, so is Holland.

otis otiscambell Profile

Being a ex alcoholic addict I can see legalizing pot but cocaine and heroin and other drugs no way

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I can see problems both ways but I'd vote in favour.

Prohibition simply doesn't work. Banning them doesn't seem to have curbed their use so let's try to control the supply and usage. There would be far fewer health (and crime) problems if users could get their supplies legally.

Unbelievable as it seems today there were NO drugs in Australia while I was growing up. There was plenty of booze, of course, and I drank my share of that. I have no way, personally, of judging whether alcohol -- an acceptable drug -- is any better than the proscribed drugs.

Interesting topic, Kass.

K. B.  Baldwin Profile
K. B. Baldwin answered

Well, a reality check will reveal that we really suck at prohibiting them and making it stick.  The USA's Volstead Act proved that you can't even prohibit alcohol with any degree of success.  I've heard it said and attributed to different folks that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is an example of insanity.  So maybe it is time to try something different.

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