Growing up in the 50s and 60s, I along with most of the rest of the world, looked at a country that had the resources, the manpower, the (American) know-how and the will to be absolutely self-sufficient in every way. Imports from the far east consisted of cheap electronics and plastic toys.
Then you started to import Japanese motorbikes, got involved in an unwinnable war, handed over control of fiscal policy to the banks.
Remember how reluctant the US was to be drawn into conflicts?
Remember when "Made in the USA" signified solid, dependable (if a little dull) engineering?
Remember which countries economy was a financial model for the rest of the world? Upright and honest to a fault.
What went wrong? The 60s happened.
I still love the US and it was my home for some time. It's still a great country.
But the "American Dream" has probably long since gone for the majority of the people.