Do you have friends or family that would take you in if you fell on hard times?


13 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I have a sister that would probably take me in, as long as I keep the kitties away from the catnip, that is!

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I do. My best friend, my sisters, my parents...I know they wouldn't hesitate to take me in a situation like that (although my best friend and I currently live together, but even if we didn't, it wouldn't be a problem).

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered


Side story. About eight years ago I was working in one of the world's largest banks and the woman I was working with her brother had fallen on some very hard times and he needed a place to live he said.   I'm very very thankful for my sister that she has come to my aid and it's helped me.  So I had this bright idea I'm going to go ask my family members to help me I told them that I have fallen on some very very hard times and I needed them to give me a help and I needed a place to stay for a couple of months I told them  I was still working but times were very difficult for me.   To make a long story short my family said get the blankety-blank out of my blankety-blank face, and don't you ever get in my face and ask me for anything whatsoever.  I not pay any bills for you, buy you meds, I will not help you out and I'll  NOT even give you a peanut butter sandwich if you were dying and I would not give you a glass of water, make sure your burial is paid up. They said get the blankety-blank out of my blankety-blank face. Of course, I ask why would you refuse to help me, I don't owe you, I've not borrowed money from you I have not stolen from you have not said anything bad to you I have not hurt you why would you not want to help me if I was in dire need they said you should get out and get a job. remember I'm working at one of the largest banks in the world and they knew this. As I've said love for family was only in my mindπŸ˜”

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Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Hi everyone. It broke my heart and my spirit. All Thank you. 😊
Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch commented
I think that their response is pretty unbelievable, not to mention heartless. I don't even speak to my mother - her decision, not mine - and if she were in need, I would extend my hand to help her.

Just know, Jan, that not everyone thinks this way. Should you fall onto hard times, you know that you have friends here that would be happy to help.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
My friends, everything is good for the last 7 years, thank you. I'm the same to each of you. Thank you πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

i doubt it. My family well two sisters left and too much arguing if a hurricane comes i just ride it out and pray for the best

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Zack,

Yes I do, and they did try when I got evicted last year and went homeless. However, at age 72 with health issues, my income is not going to change and I did not see their hospitality as workable long-term...

So I lived in my car (and then this last winter in a little cabin by Olequa Creek w/o kitchen), until I came upon this apartment in Tenino, WA that works for me and felt "right."

* * *

I wish you could come here, Otis, then I wouldn't have to go very far to stock up on 'shine...

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

In 1999, my mom took my husband and me in when my husband became unemployed and we couldn't get by on my salary alone. I think my brothers and their wives would do the same. I would do it for them. 

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

My parents are gone now and so are my husband's.  I would hope we'd never have to move in with someone .. But I'm sure our son and his wife would try to help us out.  My grandson wants us to move in now!  Lol

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Yes my parents always said my kids and I would always have a roof over our heads and what ever was theirs I could have if I needed. They proved their promise true when I exhausted all other options and showed up on their doorstep with three kids at the time, evicted with the clothes on our back, and running from a past that didn't want to let go of me.

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