Do you find yourself judging people with weird habits?


4 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Naw I don't like judging people for anything and we all have our own distinct habits. Some may find them weird but it matters not to me.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

Not usually ...exept this one coworker who used to come into my office and eat two yougarts at once ... She would take a bite from one then the other and it drove me freakin nuts. She also smelled like cat litter so that didn't help.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Zack - Mr. GenXer,

Philosophically at least I am with Rooster Cogburn here...

However in real life, it sometimes happens that the person hides the unusual habit(s) until we get to be friends, and then suddenly wild-eyed the floodgates open and I find I am now expected to spend infinite time/energy participating in the obsessive rituals...

Then I in turn begin frantically looking for a way to extricate myself without hurting anyone's feelings...

( one ever said life was going to be easy!)

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