We just got a new Belgian Waffle Maker. It's great!! I will celebrate by taking a picture of it while munching on almond buttercrunch.
its nationalw wattle iron day also national camera day and national almond buttercruch day. which one is your favorite??
I like waffles. I don't have a waffle iron though. I usually just toast Eggo waffles. Almond butter crunch is good too.
I'll eat some waffles with almond buttercrunch ice cream on them and have my dog take a pic of me with the camera.
Bacon cheddar waffles with real maple syrup.
Eh, on the waffles.
I have no idea what almond butter crunch is.
But I love cameras! And all the accessories and lens that go with them!
Waffles and cameras.
(As Meatloaf once sung---"Two out of three ain't bad."
I would have to say my camera also. I have been obsessed with taking pictures since 1998. I have my camera in my purse at all times! As a matter of fact I have had night mares TRUE nightmares of someone stealing my purse and they think I am crazy because I am just begging for my memory card back. Take everything else but my memory card! Anything else in my purse is replaceable in my eyes.