Are TSA agents what you get when you put uneducated people in positions of authority? They just bloodily attacked a little deaf, blind, paralyzed girl that's suffering from cancer.


3 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Your point is made.

I would add 75-85% are morons, have -0 common sense and extremely poor  judgement.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

That's hard for me to believe.  I know they're not all friendly .. But they could never get away with being cruel.  Did you witness this yourself?  If so, I would have reported it to their supervisors who I'm sure would have dealt with the offending agent(s).

7 People thanked the writer.
DDX Project
DDX Project commented
Barb Cala
Barb Cala commented
That is horrible. That isn't the norm for sure. I'm hoping that agent was fired and brought up on charges.
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

(Unfortunately, certain types of people are attracted to such positions for the wrong reasons.  People who operate primarily from their Pig Parent sometimes like the power they have in those positions.)

The Pig Parent activates the

Adapted Child which feels guilty, fearful and ashamed.

The thing the Pig Parent does best is to make people feel

not OK and to force them to do things they don't want t

do. It is only useful in situations in which people oppress

or take things away from each other. People can learn to

cultivate and develop their Nurturing Parent, Adult or

Natural Child to fight their Pig Parent.

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