Its national happiness happens day national frozen custard day and national dollar day. Which one are u?


7 Answers

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Custard + dollar = happiness ! Sounds good hun!

I don't think i can just give money to someone cause they might go mad like " i don't need your money! " but probably i can make Custard and give it to someone to possibly make them happy!

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

All 3 sounds delicious to me 😊.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Otis,

Happiness happening and $dollars$ are transient, they come and go.         But frozen custard is forever! I will take that please (washing down with 'shine)

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

What I tell myself about what happens to me at any given time in this life has a lot to do with whether I am "happy."

Once I realized that some time ago, "happiness" is much more easily obtainable and / or sustainable on a relatively continuous basis.

I prefer frozen yogurt over ice cream or sherbet, but I'm not sure I have every actually had "frozen custard"---"In order for a frozen dessert to be considered a frozen custard it must contain a certain percentage of egg yolk and butterfat."

And I also had to look up "national dollar day."---

August 8 commemorates the day Congress established the U.S. Monetary system in 1786. It’s National Dollar Day!

The first U.S. Dollar bill wasn’t printed until 1862, and it didn’t bear the image of George Washington, either.  Salmon P. Chase, President Lincoln’s Secretary of Treasury, was featured on the first greenback.

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