It does nothing to help a cause. I think we have alot of cops in fear when they put on their uniforms which is wrong. Their has to be more training for these cops. But destroying your neighborhood or city solves zero. So these african americans are only hurting themselves these businesses will move out of town thus les employers to offer jobs
NC is under a State of Emergency because BLM and others are rampaging through Charlotte after another officer involved shooting. How does the destruction of your city help your cause?
Never could understand that. Been going on for decades over things and I still can't figure out why ruining everything does any good. I saw the video of the shooting and their anger is justified but rioting isn't. What does it really accomplish? I guess they figure no one is going to do anything about the shooting but I still can't see how rioting helps.
I don't think the people rioting and looting likely give a rat's ass about the cause. Some just latch onto an excuse to spread chaos. The people acting this way definitely seem to be a few out of many...but all it takes is a few.
To be honest I believe it is the radical groups, such as ISIS, coming in undercover and stirring the pot. They want to divide us, and they will use any incident to do so. These groups excel and manipulation, which is why they have become the problem they are.
I agree, peaceful protest YES. I hate all this violence, looting😝, fighting with the police, name calling and senseless mayhem is unnecessary, uncalled for, unwarranted and needs to stop IMMEDIATELY. All I see is a bunch of worthless trouble makers, causing irreparable harm 😔and damage to their own communities. Nothing has been solved and you've bought shame on your city and yourselves. You've put yourself and hundreds out work and some businesses will never reopen and damaged lives and home. SMH.
Let's wait and see if any fist raising, kneeling, pathetically inept athletes ante up some of their "hard earned" cash to rebuild the city.
It doesn't.
I once asked a friend of mine why he did certain things.
His reply was, "I LIKE being in a LITTLE BIT of trouble."
Well, OK---and he never really was anything more than "annoying" to certain people. And while that's not my personal style, I must agree that they fully and completely deserved it.
Theories and rights aside to the "concept of being able to express you opinions in this great land of ours---America" aside, the reality is that a poorly considered "protest" of a public figure also gives an excuse to those who like to be in either a "little" or a "whole bunch" of trouble the green light to "wreak havoc" (cause damage, disruption, or destruction) at will under the guise of "freedom of speech."
Do I have a solution?---Well, perhaps better judgment by those who are isolated from the consequences of expressing their opinions by their wealth would work to at least some degree.
For those interested, GK Chesterton makes my point much more eloquently---here's the link:
It doesn't help any cause. It adds fuel to the fire.
It doesn't help. A lot of people who riot are just looking for an excuse to be part of the violence and destruction. But people don't riot when they're content. This shows a big problem with the city. Riots don't just happen out of nowhere.