I don't know anything about that cos I don't ... But I'd love to hear Donald Trumps take on it cos I like the way he says " CHINA" ... ... He's such a tool :) I'm not American ...but he terrifies me. Please don't cast a vote for hate ... The world is watching you Americans. Be good.
The major export of the Phillippines is their people as a "hire-out" labor force. Those folks in the US are in for a very hard time. Their families back home will lose a lot of income. Not to mention those enlisted in the US Navy. What will happen to them? Yes their president is a nut case, but even if the situation is short term many will suffer.
I really don't think a union like that will last. The current President is kind of a nut case any way. What about the disputed islands that China wants? They may boot us out but China will eat them alive. Too much saber rattling with no real force behind it. We still have our big base at Guam.
Yes, No more outsourcing and no more cheaply made items. More jobs for Americans.