heres an open secret everyone is racist at some degree its human nature to be, but where should the line be drawn? When it prevents us from being kind and just all men were created equal and everyone should be held to the same regard
I'm watching the news, about people overcoming their personal hidden racism.
Are you a Racist?
Before you jump with NO and you got a rainbow in your family and a half dozen rainbow of friends.
Think deeply.
Please no links or if the world did this or that. This is about YOU.
I don't have time to be racist.
I'm not a racist. I like people, especially if they keep their distance. I even like women and they come from Venus.
Do I believe that race can determine a person's superiority or inferiority? Do I believe that race corresponds with certain mental faculties or abilities? Do I believe that these differences should be translated into law that subjugates one race under another? My answer to all these question is no, and thus, I do not consider myself a racist.
I get the idea that your definition of racism is not racism. One could think that by your definition everybody is racist, even if they do not fit the definition of racism.
Racism. The belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits.
( this is the definition but I have a suspicion that your definition is not even close to this one )
Do I judge people by their skin color? No. Do I suspect some people of other color judge me because of mine? Yes. Actually I know that to be true. I also have been judged for not having a bachelor's degree. (Even though I accomplished more professionally than the person who was judging me.) I was raised to treat everyone with respect until they give you a reason not to do so, and that is what is what I do.
First off, Excellent question.
I live in New Hampshire, and for the longest time the ethnic diversity was very . . . Shall we say, lean.
Whenever I had opportunity to get to know an African American person, I would jump at the chance. I always questioned whether my "Jumping at the chance" was considered racism . . . I had many things in common with these friends so it wasn't like I was inventing a friendship. I still see one of my closest from time to time, and we give each other a big hug (I'm a hugger) and try to catch up.
I tend to start up conversations just out of the blue with total strangers, no mater what ethnicity they are . . .
Lately the ethnic diversity has amped up quite a bit, and while at the dog park, I watch a group of Indian American people play Cricket . . . I find other cultures fascinating . . . I don't know if that is considered racists if you treat someone different because you are over curious about they culture and beliefs . . .
I should remark that skin color doesn't matter . . . They could be dark skinned, brown skinned, or white . . . Different ethnic cultures ignite curiosity in me.
I have a 23 y/o biracial son (black dad / white mom). He looks black on the outside. His girlfriend is also biracial - Mexican and white. As they draw closer to her due date (end of December), I cannot help but wonder what kind of difficulties this new baby will endure because of his parents mixed race qualities.
If the baby was white, s/he would look like me, but have parents with a different skin tone. If the baby were dark, s/he would more or less fit in with his/her parents because s/he would look more like them than me.
This situation has forced me to look at the racial diversity topic a little more closely now that my son will soon be a father. No one wants their child to experience adversity. However, these things are bound to happen - all based on skin tone than on the person themselves.
No, I'm not.
I'm a cradle Catholic who as an adult has fully embraced Catholicism.
For someone like me, while each of us has various talents and qualities, we do not subscribe to racial superiority or inferiority.
People are people and then they act. The difference is accidental, not substantial--- as a philosopher might observe.
I am not a racist.
Different colors and backgrounds are the beauty of our nature. What's fun about it if we all look the same and share the same culture and lifestyle ?
I might not embrace some other's cultures tho but i always respect them. And i never treat people according to their skin color at all.