Like everyone else I get depressed after xmas but then after a couple of weeks the same old routine kicks in and its all forgotten, but this year I can't stop thinking about xmas I have been planning for this years since early jan!! I often just get bored so come on the computer and look at xmas websites, which is how I got here. At first I thought I was being silly and then I wondered if I should talk to someone about it, but then I realised I just love it so much for all the right reasons family, friends, the films, the decorations, the sense that everyone is just that bit happier and more polite, a sense of magic in the air, presents, the food, the magic and sense the world gets a little bit better. Then I remembered what tiny tim said in scrooge about keeping christmas well all year, maybe if we all did we would all just be that bit happier and polite and get back some of that magic lost as a child
After every Xmas night, I lay in my bed and tears come dripping down my face. Every year the same thoughts go through my head, where has the time gone? All my family is getting so old and big. I look back and remember the tears running down my fathers eyes when we gather around the table on Xmas eve. I remember the glassy eyes that appear on my uncles face when my young cousins open their gifts with such joy. I cry thinking about my grandfathers beautiful tears that drip down his face when his granddaughter gives him a five dollar bill for Xmas. These are the things you must love. For some it may be the gifts, but as you get older, you realize that the family is so much more important than the gifts you receive from Santa. Jesus was born in Xmas day. We celebrate him being our savior. When I look back on the past two days on Xmas night, I remember the great joy everybody had and the love that was in the house. I see my divorced uncle s tears in his eyes when he watches his beautiful children open their gifts. Thank you Jesus. Happy birthday.
It always happens when ever we are with our with our family and friends and celebrate something .We enjoy alt at that time after that time is over we miss that moment and feel so lonely .
Our tree is still kidding. It's coming down tomorrow finally. I always get sad when it ends because it's one last Christmas when my kids are 6 and 9. Next year they will be 7 and 10. Christmas is precious when your kids are young so the way I see it, when it ends, then it's one less Christmas for this stage in their lives. This is the first year in years that I don't feel so sad and I think it's because we are so busy, there was some illness during the holidays and because I have many plans for the immediate future. It's flown by.
Christmas is a hectic time. There's the stress of choosing and buying presents for friends and family, and it's that time of year when all the family get together, so when January approaches and its time for everyone to go home and get back to work, the house will seem very quiet. You're probably feeling depressed because it's all over and you have to settle in at work again.
Winter also begins around Christmas, so you may be feeling depressed because the weather is miserable. Also, the act of taking down Christmas decorations can make people feel depressed. Perhaps you are feeling depressed because a new year has started and you feel lost because Christmas is over.
On the plus side though, you have the January sales to look forward too! Also, if you've made a new year's resolution and you stick to it, then you will feel better and as though you have achieved something.
Winter also begins around Christmas, so you may be feeling depressed because the weather is miserable. Also, the act of taking down Christmas decorations can make people feel depressed. Perhaps you are feeling depressed because a new year has started and you feel lost because Christmas is over.
On the plus side though, you have the January sales to look forward too! Also, if you've made a new year's resolution and you stick to it, then you will feel better and as though you have achieved something.
I'm alone and everyone's grown! So I miss them a lot!

I feel exactly the same but its because all the family are happy and in a festive mood and it wont be the same for another year
Cause I love every second of christmas morning unwrapping presents and then when its over I realize that went by too fast it wasnt long enough. For me time flies during christmas day and christmas eve and when its over I get all sad. If I hear a christmas song at the beginning of january I break down
Maybe because in these days you feel more close to your family or love ones, and when it finished, everyone goes back to a normal life and you still need them to feel OK.
I think it is due to the excitement and energy of the season finally being over. A person can feel relieved that another holiday has passed but at the same time they may feel saddened that it is actually gone and not to return for another whole year.
I feel the same way. Like I just thought about Christmas right now and I'm starting to feel depressed. I love that time of year. 6 months away. :[
I feel more depressed in the weeks leading up to Christmas. People stressing over buying the perfect gift. Stores with Santa and reindeer pictures blaring songs about mommy kissing Santa Claus, while they try to convince you to spend money. The general idea that Christmas and happiness lie in getting gifts, and the general madness that have become modern corperate 'Christmas'. What is forgotten is peace. Peace brought through a small child, said to be born of a virgin. Peace brought through a small child, who many believed fulfilled promises made by God to His people. Peace brought through a small child, who after living a phenomenal life, was crucified, died, and was entombed... Yet who many believe rose again from the dead so that we might all have true peace with the God who made us. I feel depressed because people often miss the hope that this season reminds us of.
Because you love christmas. It is a time of good cheer when everyone is so happy and festive. And of course there are all the wonderful traditions that only happen at christmas time. After it is all over you have to wait a whole year for it to happen again.
It's like one of Newton's laws that for every action there is an equal, opposite reaction. After all the excitement, fussing, and fun, it all comes to an abrupt end. What goes up must come down so to speak. But now you get to play with all the new toys you got for Christmas. Cheer up!
You feel that way because you don't get any more presents
I don't know. I feel more re leaved.
Christmas is when you have fun with all of your relatives and drink lots of eggnog. You might be hung-over or you might be home sick or even the you might be feeling down is because you never got that present that you REALLY wanted.
Short & Simple: Family & Friends go back to their homes ,thus leaving you to do all the cleaning after your X-MAS party!
Well, if you're a kid, it means back to school. If you're an adult, it probably means back to work. With a hangover=)
Because leading up to christmas is always the exciting bit but when christmas is here it seems to be like its just over
ANY DEPRESSION YOU FEEL NOW!!!because you're like like the cheeriness of and closeness of being with your family and friends at a time that bonds everyone ..the shopping for loved ones is so cool..wasn't it a head rush to look for stuff to buy for mom and dad and friends? Walking around the store knowing what they would wouldn't(probably) like to recieve on christmas day? It's a very emotionally happy sensation that lingers in your head for two months before christmas,thinking about the possible gifts that family and friends would wind up buying for you and then there's the decorating of the tree and the lights that need to be put on the windows or on the balcony and not to mention the cheeriness of the christmas conversations that go on all november and december..talking about gifts,conversing about the right place for the tree, and I can't even begin to explain why you'd miss christmas after it's over..I only covered a tiny tiny bit of it doesn't have to end.I 've decide to buy my parents inexpensive stuff a couple times a week at the dollar stores here in town..also the thrift stores..I'm talking about inexpensive ,not expensive..dollar stuff..(maybe 2 or 3 dollars)..a scented candle here and there,a coffee mug from the 99 cents only store,etc..buying stuff like that for parents or friends or for who'mevr you choose,a couple times a week or more.. Can literally keep enough of that christmas spirit alive that you won't miss christmas all year long..the really neat part of it..wrap the items you buy in wrapping paper ,just as though it's still christmas...either hand the gifts directly to who'mever your giving them to or secretly leave them in a place in their house where they'll be sure to find them after you leave..don't let christmas end.keep it alive all year into the christmas season of 2010, in an inexpensive but postive way!! I am!!
Good luck!!!!
ANY DEPRESSION YOU FEEL NOW!!!because you're like like the cheeriness of and closeness of being with your family and friends at a time that bonds everyone ..the shopping for loved ones is so cool..wasn't it a head rush to look for stuff to buy for mom and dad and friends? Walking around the store knowing what they would wouldn't(probably) like to recieve on christmas day? It's a very emotionally happy sensation that lingers in your head for two months before christmas,thinking about the possible gifts that family and friends would wind up buying for you and then there's the decorating of the tree and the lights that need to be put on the windows or on the balcony and not to mention the cheeriness of the christmas conversations that go on all november and december..talking about gifts,conversing about the right place for the tree, and I can't even begin to explain why you'd miss christmas after it's over..I only covered a tiny tiny bit of it doesn't have to end.I 've decide to buy my parents inexpensive stuff a couple times a week at the dollar stores here in town..also the thrift stores..I'm talking about inexpensive ,not expensive..dollar stuff..(maybe 2 or 3 dollars)..a scented candle here and there,a coffee mug from the 99 cents only store,etc..buying stuff like that for parents or friends or for who'mevr you choose,a couple times a week or more.. Can literally keep enough of that christmas spirit alive that you won't miss christmas all year long..the really neat part of it..wrap the items you buy in wrapping paper ,just as though it's still christmas...either hand the gifts directly to who'mever your giving them to or secretly leave them in a place in their house where they'll be sure to find them after you leave..don't let christmas end.keep it alive all year into the christmas season of 2010, in an inexpensive but postive way!! I am!!
Good luck!!!!
As you have to wait until November until the build up starts again.
Because when Christmas is over you don't get any more cool stuff, if you even got the cool stuff that you wanted. You have to go back to work, and work all year long just to pay for all the cool stuff you bought for everyone, only to do it all over again.
In the last week I've been feeling really depressed but perhaps as soon as we are more into january I will start to feel better.
You are sad cause the excitement is Over for this year as your kids/family leaves. I am just the opposite. I have a small family...only men are living and then there is my daughter and me. Quite frankly, our life is extremely busy and we are finally off for 2 or 3 days and we want to be ALONE. We do not want to be disturbed by their needs and wanting somewhere to eat. If they are invited, we grill blackened filet mignon and they gripe cause it is NOT Turkey. Well, even if I had all day, I will not cook a meal for 4 hours and within 20 mins, it is eaten. I am just happier alone or with the neighbors AFTER their kids have left.Now, once my daughter is married, I realize my attitude may have to change. But then I will be willing to fly, help and converse with in-laws. But I will be retired by then and will WANT to do it. Wanting makes all of the difference!! Lol
It's human nature not only for xmas but also after all functions at home so please think that every day is christmas for you