The sense of hearing is the last one to fade before death.
Eric Clapton was raised by his Grandmother, but he thought she was his mother. He believed his mother was actually his sister.
Banging your head against the wall for one hour burns 150 calories.
The enzymes in your own saliva will break down the red blood cells in your own blood. So if you get blood on your shirt, just spit on it and wash it. (Actually you can spit on it and watch the blood fade away.) But washing is always a good habit after spitting! 😅
Sea otters hold hands while they sleep to avoid getting separated.
First man to urinate on the moon was Buzz Aldrin, shortly after stepping onto the lunar surface. :)
To get more juice from a lemon or lime put them in the microwave for 30 seconds. It will help the juice flow more easy.