For me over the years I found it very sad how little, and each year it is less, coverage is given in the media or even information put out by the US government concerning the Story of Pearl Harbor.
Is today your day? It is December 7 National Illinois Day, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, National Cotton Candy Day, and Faux Fur Friday.
Only the word Friday makes this my day.
I heard on the news this morning that this is the first year that no survivors of the USS Arizona will make the ceremony at Pearl Harbor. There are 5 survivors left but they can't make the trip because of age. They and all that were serving at Pearl Harbor 77 years ago today are not forgotten.
I am in today.
December 7th is definitely my day - a day of remembrance and gratitude.
Yes today is my day in honoring my great-uncle who was stationed at Pearl Harbor December 7th 1941, he told me he was standing in chow line for breakfast when all hell broke loose.
Friday and cotton candy! I'm in
Dec 7, We will hopefully always remember.
Grrr..sugar is off limits.
Other than that. I'm in.
Im not into fake fur... Or any fur I guess! And i dont really care for cotton candy. The texture is weird to me. 😕
However, anything honoring our brave men and women in our military... I AM IN!!!! Many thanks to all our military! 🤗