Is today your day? It is January 28, National Have Fun At Work Day, National Kazoo Day, National Blueberry Pancake Day, Data Privacy Day and National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day .


8 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

For the most part today is a fun day, I'm in.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I'm in for blueberry pancakes and data privacy.

My grandkids appreciate popping the bubbles in bubble wrap.

It's impossible to have fun at work today when I'm not there. But today is still a good day.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I have fun everyday at work! I stay at home with the kids.

Blueberry pancakes are yummy.

Data privacy is probably just a dream unfortunately now a days.

Kazoo's?!?! I don't think so! 😝

Bubble wrap... I will give to the kids! Lol!

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Every day should be data privacy day, had a good day at work, I love me some blueberry pancakes and who can resist popping bubble wrap. :)

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Yes this sounds like a good day and I'm in it for Blueberry Pancakes and data privacy and i like the bubble wrap .

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