I'm in. It looks like we will be using an umbrella for the next five days. I also am a fan of cream cheese.
Is today your day? It is February 10 National Home Warranty Day, National Umbrella Day and National Cream Cheese Brownie Day.
Count me in. Cream cheese brownie sounds pretty darn good. I won't be needing an umbrella though. I'll need a snow shovel tomorrow through Wednesday.
Sounds like a good day to me, love cream cheese brownies.
I’m in. The cream cheese brownies sound good, and we have freezing rain here this morning. ☂️☔️💦
I’m going to need that umbrella on Tuesday. Not a fan of the rest.
I'm in! Have nearly worn out my umbrella this past week, and I'd love some of those cream cheese brownies!
I am in! I could have used an umbrella earlier. And I always get a home warranty when we buy a new house. It saved us a lot of money. We bought a house and it was nice and comfortable for our final walk through before closing. 5 days later when our furniture arrived we had no a/c, and it was over 100° with a heat index of 112° it was awful!
I'm gonna go sulk under Tigers tree! 😒
It's not my home so no home warranty. 😑
I'm too fat for brownies. 😐
And this rain weather has me flustered and blue and if I had access to an umbrella right now I just might shove it where the sun don't shine to the next person who adds fuel to my fire! 😡