Is today your day? It is July 3rd National Fried Clam Day, National Eat Your Beans Day, and National Chocolate Wafer Day.


7 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I'm in for the beans.

Anyone remember the tune about beans and tooting? If you don't I'll write itn out tomorrow.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I'm in.

I love fried clams and always eat my beans if they are baked beans.  ( the musical fruit )

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

Beans beans the musical fruit

The more you eat, the more you toot

The more you toot, the better you feel

So let's have beans with every meal!

Is that the song Ancient One? πŸ˜…

Dances With  Wolves Profile

This sounds like a great day , never had fried clam but would love to try it since i like clam chowder soup . I like beans of any kind especially baked beans. I don't know much about Chocolate Wafers most likely would like them too. Thanks for your Question of the Day :) :)

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Hehehe!!!! I'm in it's a definitely aromatic kind of day, clams and beans doesn't get any better than that.... Wasn't me it was the dog.

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