Is today your Day? It is January 15 National Bagel Day, National Booch {Kombucha] Day, National Hat Day, and National Strawberry Ice Cream Day.


7 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I have never had kombucha, not sure I want try it either. But I am in for the rest!

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

The jury is out on the kombucha, but I'm in for the rest!  I'll happily wear my hat while eating bagels and strawberry ice cream.  :)

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Yes count me in this day sounds good i like Strawberry Ice Cream and bagels and i like Hats like flat top so count me in :) Thank you for Question of the Day :);)👍😇🙏

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