I'm in. I do like cherry cobbler, peach cobbler, apple cobbler, I like all cobblers. I also admit I am a pack rat from way back. Slowly over time I have have dwindled my mountain of "stuff" down. Being quarantined gave me an opportunity to really cut my mountain down some.
Is today your day? It is May 17th 2020 National Pack Rat Day, National Cherry Cobbler Day, National Graduation Tassel Day, National Walnut Day, National Idaho Day, and Take Your Parents To The Playground Day.
I'm in! Lots of good stuff here, especially the cobbler. And at 72, I still love playing on the park swings when I get the chance. 😎
(Sorry most of this year's grads won't have the fun of moving those tassels to the other side.)
I'll pass on the cherry cobbler. If it were apple or peach it would be a different story. All the playgrounds around here are still closed so that's also out of the question.
But I'm in for everything else.
Willie said to say hello and she misses most of you.
I'm a closet pack rat. Lol! The more "hidden" nooks and crannies the better. 😆
I love cherry but I'm thinking of a turnover... Not sure if I've tried a cherry cobbler. 🤔
It's already 108° in Yuma. No parks for me. 😓
We have family in Idaho! It's the cousin who I met Yang through. 😊
I love walnuts! ☺
My heart goes out to the graduating class of 2020. BUT I like to tell them they are the class that is going down in HISTORY! 🤗
It's a good day. Hello my friends. I miss everyone.
I would love to have some cherry cobbler!!!!
I am in for the cherry cobbler.