Is today your day? It is June 23, 2020 National Hydration Day, National Pink Day, and National Pecan Sandies Day.


5 Answers

Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

Here is what I gathered: Each June 23, the U.S. Celebrates National Hydration Day. Proper hydration is vital to living a healthy life, but it's often overlooked... Pecan Sandies is a cookie type .. Well this doesn't sound too bad...🙏 Thank you for Question of the Day :)👼😇

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

Well, I love pecan sandies, and pink is my favorite color .... So it looks like you can color me IN.  🖍

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Staying hydrated has always been a problem for me.  So having a day to remind me and others is a good thing.

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